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Composite Batch allows executing up to 25 independent subrequests in a single request. To execute a batch of subrequests, create a batch, add subrequests to it, and then execute it:

async with salesforce.composite.batch(halt_on_error=True) as batch:
    query = batch.query("SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 10")
    contact = batch.sobject.create(
        {"FirstName": "Jon", "LastName": "Doe"},

You can also execute the batch without using the context manager:

batch = salesforce.composite.batch(halt_on_error=True)
query = batch.query("SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 10")
contact = batch.sobject.create(
    {"FirstName": "Jon", "LastName": "Doe"},
await batch.execute()

You can control batch behavior using the following parameters:

  • halt_on_error - if any subrequest fails, all subsequent subrequests are skipped and marked as failed. By default, False.
  • autoraise - raise an exception if any subrequest fails. By default, False.
  • group_errors - raise ExceptionGroup instead of the first exception if autoraise is True. By default, False.

Once a composite batch is executed, you can access the following attributes for each of its subrequests:

  • response - the response dictionary
  • done - whether the subrequest has been executed
  • status_code - HTTP status code
  • result - the result of the subrequest (response body)
  • is_success - whether the subrequest was successful

You can also raise an exception if the subrequest failed:


Supported Subrequests


Execute SOQL query and get its results:

async with salesforce.composite.batch() as batch:
    query_accounts = batch.query("SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 10")
    query_contacts = batch.query("SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact LIMIT 10")

Subrequest results are available via the records attribute.


Perform CRUD operations on sObjects using the same interface as the salesforce.sobject resource:

async with salesforce.composite.batch() as batch:
    contact = batch.sobject.create(
        {"FirstName": "Jon", "LastName": "Doe"},
    account = batch.sobject.update(
        {"Name": "New Name"},
    opportunity = batch.sobject.upsert(
        {"ExternalId__c": "123", "Name": "New Opportunity"},
print("Created contact:",
print("Updated account:",
print("Upserted opportunity:",

Depending on the operation, the subrequest result may contain the following attributes:

  • create: id
  • get: record
  • upsert: id, created